Saturday, 8 January 2011

Mercy's Messenger

Psalm 6:2

2 Have mercy upon me, O Jehovah; for I am withered away: O Jehovah, heal me; for my bones are troubled.

There are certain things in this universe that just can't be separated. God and love, faith and good works, obedience and blessing, salvation and the cross, etc. But here's an inseparable association that we may not be so quick to recognize: mercy and weakness. In reality, you can't disassociate the Lord's mercy from man's weakness, because it's our deficiency that signals our need for His sufficiency. Our weakness acts as a messenger to us that we need help, that we need mercy. And it's when we recognize this and open our empty hands that God fills them with the multitude of His mercies. As you survey the Scriptures, you'll find that those who owned their weakness received mercy. We see this most strikingly in the ministry of Jesus. A leper, a woman who had been bleeding for more than a decade, a frantic and helpless father, a blind man who had been banished to a life of begging by the wayside...all understood they were weak...all received immeasurable mercy. Don't misunderstand. This doesn't mean all our ills will be healed if we simply confess them. Sometimes our suffering is a providential tool God uses for His purposes. But it does mean this: Our weakness can be our greatest strength if causes us to humbly call out to God for His mercy. Be in tune and in touch with the reality that your frame is frail. Do what the Psalmist did and confess your weakness, for it's then you'll find yourself mightily covered in mercy.

Lord of all mercies, never allow us to forget how undone and helpless we are apart from You!

What does this passage reveal to me about God?

What does this passage reveal to me about myself?

Based on this, what changes do I need to make?

What is my prayer for today?

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